Thursday, May 26, 2011

Bagaimana Gaji Menteri Singapore Ditetapkan?

Ramai yang dah tahu barisan menteri Singapore adalah antara yang anggota kerajaan yang menerima gaji tertinggi di dunia malah gaji Perdana Menterinya mengalahkan gaji Presiden Barrack Obama. Gaji beliau berjumlah S$3 juta setahun dan mendapat bonus sebanyak 8 bulan gaji pada tahun 2010.

Ada formula yang mendedahkan bagaimana gaji mereka ini ditentukan. 

Gaji mereka ini sebenarnya telah ditetapkan pada kadar 2/3 daripada median (orang belajar statistik tahu apa itu median) top 8 gaji 6 profesion utama di Singapura iaitu peguam, akauntan, eksekutif MNC, banker, pengilang tempatan dan jurutera.

Berapakah pendapatan tertinggi 6 profesion utama tersebut?

  • Peguam – S$4.29 juta
  • Akauntan – S$3.72 juta
  • Banker – S$3.33 juta
  • Eksekutif MNC – S$2.70 juta
  • Pengilang Tempatan – S$2.30 juta
  • Jurutera – S$0.62 juta
Di bawah ini  adalah range top 8 bagi setiap sektor:

  • Peguam – $1 juta to $6 juta
  • Akauntan – $1 juta to $6 juta
  • Banker – $800k to $6 juta
  • Eksekutif MNC – $300k to $4 juta
  • Pengilang Tempatan – $250k to $3 juta
  • Jurutera -$200k to $800k

Mungkin ada beberapa faktor lain yang diambilkira untuk mendapat final figure tetapi yang pastinya mereka telah menunjukkan satu formula yang boleh dijustifikasikan.

Bagaimana pula dengan formula penetapan gaji menteri kabinet di Malaysia? Siapa boleh jawab....

TQ kepada Abg Rem...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Adakah Ringgit Yang Kukuh Membantu?

Sekarang ringgit berada pada paras yang agak baik berbanding USD (sekitar 3.05 sekarang). Ianya adalah yang terbaik untuk tempoh 13 tahun setelah sekian lama ringgit diikat kepada USD pada nilai RM3.80 untuk sedollar.

Adakah ini menguntungkan rakyat. Ramai penganalisa mengatakan ianya akan menguntungkan pengimport dan menjadi ancaman kepada pengeksport. 

Ya, betul ianya menguntungkan pengimport tetapi benarkah ianya menguntungkan pengguna yang membeli barang  import. 

Saya belum lihat ada barang import yang turun harga atau mungkin saya belum survey habis. Kalau adapun yang nak perabih stok bukannya 'new arrival'.

Adakah anda yakin pengimport akan menurunkan harga barang selaras dengan pengukuhan ringgit. Saya tak yakin ianya akan berlaku. Kebanyakan pengimport akan terus menikmati keuntungan yang tinggi hasil tukaran asing yang menguntungkan ini sehinggalah mereka merasai ancaman penurunan harga oleh pesaing-pesaing mereka.

Ada anda dengar jualan produk-produk terutamanya dari US yang dijual pada harga diskaun kebelakangan ini. Tak adakan, sedangkan US adalah rakan dagangan utama Malaysia.

Jadi sebenarnya peniaga-peniaga produk import ini tidak pernah berlaku adil kepada pengguna-penguna. Apabila perkara ini di'highlight'kan, jawapannya adalah harga tidak dapat diturunkan walaupun ringgit semakin kukuh kerana banyak faktor lain yang diambilkira seperti kos pengangkutan dan lain-lain.

Anda sebagai pengguna seharusnya bertindak bijak. Belilah barangan buatan Malaysia.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Fews good job by my Nokia N82

I like to take photo but quite not comfortable to bring camera (even the compact one) every time to go outing. Alternative that left to me is to get the camera phone which i decide to have this 5mp Nokia N82. I'm pretty satisfy with it's perfomance (at least in camera handphone category). Here are few good shots after I manage to dig inside my hard disk then after some consideration finally upload here.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Journey to Fraser Hill Raub Pahang

I have had opportunity to travel to Fraser Hill on official trip from 16 to 19 March 2010. While on the land of 1270m above the sea level, i managed to snap a few photos of fauna species which hardly can be seen down there.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Explore the Unexplored in Subang Bestari

Not much thrilled of the title above. It's only about the normal weekend walkabout that we have been done last couple of weeks ago. Living in Subang Bestari since 2005 but i never having opportunity to walk around my housing area before.
Subang Bestari is roughly about 30 km and 40 minutes travel from Kuala Lumpur. It covered about 500 acres development area under jurisdiction of MBSA.

While jogging (read: walk), i manage to shot a few photos of my housing area.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Why Should We Have Two petrol Price For Locals?

Our government begin to sell petrol with 2 different prices when the mechanism and system ready in May 2010. It implementation is to curb the foreigners especially from neighbouring country such as Thailand and Singapore from benefiting the subsidized petrol price which is meant only for the locals. It's good move and it should implemented long long time ago.
However, what is not good to hear, there is also 2 prices system will be introduced to the local which will be based on what vehicle you 're driving on (the bigger car get less subsidized or not at all petrol). It could be simple assumption that the rich drive big car and the poor drive small car but it's not the best way to differentiate whether you are poor enough to get cheaper petrol.
As for me, as long as we are Malaysian, we should only have 1 price for all. The rich and the don't complement each others in this country. They have their own roles and responsibilities in building this country.
What can we do to reduce the subsidy is to sell the petrol for foreigners at higher price. It could be RM3.00/litre or higher. The profit gain can be used to set off the subsidy for the locals. Then the local can enjoy petrol at 1 price.
There is also no matter on how government will off set gains from selling petrol to foreigners but the keyword here is MAKE PROFIT OF IT. For the record, Petrol RON 95 selling in Thailand and Singapore at RM4.01 and RM4.31 per litre respectively at current time.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Mafia Wars

This is what i am addicted now. It is a game about organising mafia group. it's really addicted told you. Then i also understand now why Mark Zuckerberg (the founder of Facebook) could become millionaire in such young age. I dont know wether you are fortunate or not if you dont k now anything about this.